Zanzibar Island

Sultan of Zanzibar ruled Oman and Zanzibar while living far away on Zanzibar Island

Zanzibar island is 85km long and 43km wide. Zanzibar lies 30km from the mainland.

The rise in importance of Zanzibar coincided with the reign of Said ibn Sultan between 1806 and 1856 when he introduced Cloves and developed a vigorous slave trade.

Zanzibar became a British Protectorate in the 1890s. The last Sultan fled during a bloody revolution in 1964. Click for a private island beach retreat.

Zanzibar island is 85km long and 43km wide
Zanzibar is 30km from the mainland
Zanzibar dhows around Zanzibar Island
Visit the Zanzibar Slave Market
The Zanzibar Slave trade was eventually abolished in the 1870s
During the Zanzibar Revolution in 1964 the last Sultan fled along with much of the Arab population.
The spice island of Zanzibar
To visit Zanzibar click here.
Click here for a guide to Zanzibar

For more information about Zanzibar contact:
Tanzania Safari Specialists Ltd at: or Tel 44(0)1452862288 or Tel 255(0)744237422
© Tanzania Safari Specialists Ltd